Python library

Here is some info about how to download robocadSim Python library. I am going to use PyCharm 2020.

First way:

  1. Open Your project in PyChram -> click on File -> Settings

  1. Click on Project: Python -> Project Interpreter -> Install (Plus button)

  1. Write robocadSimPy in Search Line -> select robocadSimPy -> click Install Package

  1. Now You can use robocadSim Python library in Your project!

Second way:

  1. Win + R -> write cmd here -> press Enter

  1. Write here pip install robocadSimPy or pip3 install robocadSimPy -> press Enter

../../../../_images/sixth_step_py.jpg ../../../../_images/fifth_step_py.jpg
  1. Now You can use robocadSim Python library in Your project!